Looking for Models!!
here's your chance to get a free henna application!!
Hi everybody, i'm looking to expand and grow my portfolio. i've teamed up with an aspiring photographer (my husband) and together we are looking for 3-5 people who are willing to partake on this adventure. these photo's are " not for profit" and are intentional use is for the artist and photographers portfolio's & website use.
this is a good opportunity for aspiring models to grow their own portfolio's, models can be male or female, specific attire needed. formal wear including gowns. belly dancing costumes, yoga, salwar-kameez, sarees, no nudity will be involved but insist our models be of age.

what you will get,
Free Henna application either hand, arm, leg, shoulder, back, and feet placement, design will be artist choice these will be original designs.
free set of photo's for your portfolio.


If you are pregnant and interested in modeling for a Belly Blessing design, I am looking for models for that too!!

but Strongly request and require you to contact your ob/gyn and discuss getting henna done. I want to be sure your doctor has no concerns regarding your participation (please have your OB/GYN contact me with any questions he/she may have). Henna is safe for pregnant women, however, due to the variations of each person during their pregnancy, we prefer to be cautious and will require your obstetrician's consent. once given the ok, we will set up your appointment.

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All Material including text and photo's (unless otherwise indicated) within this website www.inkisart.ca belong to Ink Is Art Tattoo Lounge unless otherwise indicated and their Copyright belongs to me ゥ 2002-2012
any reproduction of any part for distribution, and personal / commercial usage on the web, in print, or otherwise, is forbidden & STRICTLY PROHIBITED under international copyright laws.
Please Note: All text and rates of service are correct and current for all bookings in 2012. I reserve the right to change them at any time without notice.
Last website update: Feb 2012copyright